To shine a light on the journey of intentional growth, guiding youth and young adults into discovering paths leading to their purpose.
Youth Informed Academy is an organization in which young men and young women ages 10-24 can find supportive group spaces, resources and mentorship pooled together in one location to promote a healthy balance in personal growth, life skills as well as exposure to paths leading to their career choice into adulthood.
They will learn to become aware, identify and connect with God, themselves, their environments and with others through hybrid strategic modules and courses based on The Eight-Dimensions of Wellness. Which included: Mentally, Physically, Spiritually Emotionally, Environmentally, Socially, Financially and Occupationally.
Y-I-A will also collaborate and connect with other organizations that share the same core values as our organization.
“Shine a light on the path and light the way.”
Carol E. Black
Founder, Youth Coach and Mentor